If the Sim loses, but the Grim Reaper is in a good mood, he'll bring back the dead Sim or pet as a zombie. In The Sims: Livin' Large, if a Sim or pet dies a loved one can plead to the Grim Reaper and engage in a rock-paper-scissors game for their life. If you’re interested in writing and/or reading sims stories, participating in fun competitions and events, joining a friendly and welcoming community, completing legacies and challenge and earning medals, or just having a great place to discuss Sims 2, Sims 3, or Sims 4, then there is a place for you at the Boolprop.A Sim that has become a Zombie in The Sims: Livin' Large. Then it is time to have a chat with some friends. She decides that she will join the medical branch with the hope that one day she can become a medical examiner. Olivia hangs out in her living room and debates on which job she should take. The warehouse has the kitchen and the living area.

There is a small graveyard in front, which should keep most of the sims from noticing the house beside it. Then she builds herself a crappy little house out of two shipping containers and an empty warehouse. Olivia moves into an empty lot in the middle of the Evergreen Harbor, Bridgeview I believe.

Olivia shows off her outfits and then she begins working on her house build. She wants to become a Bestselling Author. I loved the TV series and it is probably the only type of zombie that I like.

The basics of the challenge are to create a household and a build based upon the day’s theme or prompt. This is a way to get back into the game without the commitment to a challenge or story. But, what to do? Then I remembered the 100 Day Creativity Challenge by IllusoryThrall. I am still not ready to play, but I have been feeling the pull back into the game. Sometimes I just need a break and those breaks are never really planned, they just pick their moment and happen.